The official Dela Cruz English Club's Blog. English Tips, News and everyday life from the DCEC team.
N: Nicole U: Umi E: Euneece Em: Emery S: Shima
Euneece enters the office.
N, U & Em: Surprise! (singing) Happy Birthday to you...
E: That scared the hell out of me, but thanks guys. I
appreciate your thoughtfulness.
U: We knew you didn't expect this.
E: Right.
N: (joking and prodding) So, where shall we go for lunch?
E: Did I read your mind? I made spaghetti and bought some
doughnuts for everyone.
U: What a treat! Yummy!
N: Suddenly I'm hungry.
Shima comes in...
S: What's the commotion about?
Em: It's someone's 30th (?) natal day, don't you remember?
U: And she brought us something to feast on.
S: Ah, yes. Many happy returns of the day, Euneece.
E: Thanks.
S: (Opening his drawer) Huh?
N, U, E & Em: Happy Father's Day!
S: (Grinning from ear to ear) You never failed each year.
Thank you.
N: We hope you'll like that little something we gave you.
S: Whatever this is, I'm sure it'll come in handy just like
all the other previous presents I got. I don't know how
to thank everyone.
Em: You're welcome.
N: (Remembering the previous occasions) Just say thank you,
and that's it.
E: Meaning, don't even think of buying something and give us
in return.
U: Agree. If you do so, that'll be the last present you'll
ever receive from us.
S: Am I being threatened?
N, U, E, & Em: YES!
Everyone burst into laughter.
★scared the hell out of sb - ~を非常にビックリさせる
★thoughtfulness - 思慮深さ
★prod - 促す
★commotion - 騒ぎ
★natal day = birthday - 誕生日
★feast - 祝宴
★Many happy returns (of the day) - きょうの良き日が何度も
★grin from ear to ear - 口をいっぱいに開けて笑う、満面に笑み
★come in handy - 役に立つ、重宝する
★threaten - 脅す
N: ニコル U: ウミ E: ユニース Em: エメリー S: 島
N, U & Em: サプラ~イズ!(歌って)ハッピーバースデートゥーユー...
E: ちょっとほんとにびっくりしたー、でもみんなありがとう。心遣い
U: 予想してなかったでしょ。
E: ええ。
E: 私の心を読んだわね? 私スパゲッティー作って、あとドーナツを
U: やったー! おいしそう!
N: 急にお腹がすいてきたわ。
S: 何の騒ぎだい?
U: それに私たちにいいものを持ってきてくれたのよ。
S: ああ、わかった。お誕生日おめでとう、ユニース。
E: ありがとう。
N, U, E & Em: 父の日おめでとう!
N: ささやかなプレゼント気に入ってくれると嬉しいわ。
S: プレゼントが何であれ、前にもらったものと同じで重宝すること
E: つまり、お返しに何か買おうなんて思わないでね。
U: そうそう。そんなことしたら、私たちからのプレゼントはこれが
S: 脅されてるのかい?
N, U, E, & Em: そういうこと!