






コース設定期間 : 7月17日(土)~8月31日(火)
レッスン回数   : プライベートレッスン40分×7レッスン
受講方法     : お好きな方法をご相談下さい。

レッスン内容   : ビジネス英会話/日常英会話/旅行英会話/日本文化を学ぶ/MBAコース

教室でのプライベートレッスン  特別価格 34,000 (会員価格33,000円)
インターネットでの個人レッスン 特別価格 30,800円  (会員価格 29,800円)



■TOEIC 準備コース

開始日     :8月22日(日)
期間       :8月22日~6週間(12時間)
定員       :8名
受講料     :13,600円(会員価格12,600円

講師     :堀口隆美
ウォールト・ディズニー・ワールド ホテル・テーマパークサービス企画マネジメント

お問い合わせ、お申込み クリックしてそちらのフォームからお問い合わせ下さい。

Tel 048-649-6588


自然な英会話表現が学べるダイアログ。"Bowling Recap"


■"Bowling Recap"

Characters: N - Nicole No - Noriki I - Ichi

In Nicole's class, her learners who did not attend the event were very curious about the activity.

No: Say, how did you do in last Sunday's bowling activity?
(looking expectantly at Nicole)
Did you bowl them over with your skills?
N: Nice pun, Noriki. (appreciating her learner's choice of words) But...
I: Noriki, didn't you see the scores posted on the bulletin board? (quickly interrupting her classmate) It might be a sore topic for Nicole.
N: Thanks for your concern, Ichi but I don't mind talking about it. I know I am poor at bowling. The more important thing is that the attendees enjoyed it.
(thinking to herself) Or maybe they were entertained by my antics?
No: That bad, huh?
N: You can say that again! It wasn't my best performance.
I: (trying to cheer her governess up)
Better luck next time, Nicole.
N: Well to recap... the best team was Team D.
It was a dazzling display of skill and ball control.
As for the best player, she wowed everyone with her high scores.(remembering the surprise on the best player's face when she announced her name)
No: Then, let's all try to practice in preparation for next year's bowling activity.
I: I hear you.
N: So, does this mean both of you will join us next year?
(hoping both learners would say)
No: I really would like to.
I: Same here. I'd like to see you play, Nicole.
N: You mean, you want to see how I make a fool of myself, right?
(teasing her learner)
No: Nah, you're not that bad, Nicole.
I: Well... maybe a little.
(making her classmate and governess laugh)


★be curious-知りたがる、興味津々である
★How did you do~-~はどうでしたか
★bowl ~ over-~で驚かす、大喜びさせる
★sore topic-(痛い)触れられたくない話題
★poor at ~-~が苦手
★That bad-そこまでひどい、そんなに悪い
★You can say that again!-その通り!
★cheer ~ up-~を勇気づける
★Better luck next time.-次はうまくいくよ。
★ball control-ボールコントロール
★I hear you.-聞こえているよ。
★make a fool of oneself-恥をかく、笑い物になる
★Nah/ Yeah-いいや/うん(少し軽い言い方)
★not that ~-それほど~ではない


登場人物: N - ニコル No - ノリキ I - イチ


No: ところで、先週の日曜日のボーリングアクティビティーはどうだったの?(期待の表情でニコルを見ている)あなたの実力でみんなを驚かせた?
N: 素晴らしい駄じゃれね、ノリキ。(自分のラーナーの言葉の選択を評価している)でも…
I: ノリキ、掲示版に貼ってあったスコアを見なかったの?(彼女のクラスメートがあわてて割り込む)それはニコルにとっては触れられたくない話題かもよ。
N: お気づかいをありがとう、イチ、でもそれについて話しても構わないわよ。自分がボーリングが苦手なのはわかっているから。
No: そこまでひどかったの、え?
N: その通りよ!あれは私の最高の成績ではなかったわね。
I: (自分のガヴァネスを勇気づけようとする)
N: それで話しをまとめると…Dチームが一番だったわ。それはもう見事な技術とボールのコントロールの披露だったわ。ベストプレイヤーについて言うと、彼女の高得点はみんなを沸かせたわよ。
No: じゃあ、来年のボーリングアクティビティーに向けてみんなで練習しようよ。
I: 聞こえてるよ。
N: ということは、来年あなたたち二人は私たちと参加するのね?
No: すごく参加したいな。
I: 私も。あなたがボーリングするのをみてみたいな、ニコル。
N: それは、私が笑い物になるところを見たいってことでしょ?
No: いいや、あなたはそれほど下手じゃないでしょ、ニコル。
I: ん…たぶん少しは。

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■"Go overboard"

Characters: E: Emery; Y: Yuko; M: Masa

Emery signals Masa to start off with sharing his weekend.

M: Well, two old-time foreign friends will be visiting us next week. My family is thinking of giving them an out-of-this-world eating experience. Can I solicit your some pieces of advice ladies? Emery will give me a foreigner's point of view and Yuko as a food connoisseur.
E: Yeah, that is Yuko's strong suit.
Y: For starters, you should know their preference. What have you gathered so far? Are they males or females?
M: Two thirtyish ladies. Men's stomachs are unquestionably easy to please I guess but I wouldn’t know a thing with women. My wife has some ideas but she is caught up with her job too so I want to give her a hand.
E: Wow, so considerate of you, Masa.
Y: Women are quite choosy about foods. We want to eat with pleasure with a few chats here and there. Ambience is also important. A very relaxing and cozy place can entice our appetite.
E: Aside from that, exposing them to Japanese food culture is a niceidea.
Y: Allow them to taste traditional foods. I have numerous restaurants and places to choose from.
Yuko quickly enumerated around ten restaurants. Masa is mentally taking down notes while nodding his head.
M: Mamma Mia!
E: After the traditional foods, you can also go overboard.
I am sure they want to be adventurous at times. Try exotic or local Japanese foods. The Internet has some information at your fingertips. I bet their experiences might be beyond comparison.
Y: Good idea!
Masa looked perplexed.
Y: Why is your face like that? Don’t tell me our suggestions are not good enough?
M: No, it’s not that. Err. The thing is I am not an adventurous type of person when it comes to food.
E: Oh, I see! Well, you still have one week to try them out.
Indulge yourself! I will volunteer for the research!
Y: And I am willing to go with you and try those exotic foods!
I am so jazzed up!
Yuko and Emery laughed at each other while Masa's face turned sour.


★go overboard-調子に乗る、極端を行く
★start off-始める
★solicit the advice of
★sb's strong suit-人の強み
★caught up with ~-~で忙しい
★give sb a hand-手助けをする、手を貸す
★Mamma mia!-英語のOh, my god!と同じような使い方
★have ~ at your fingertips-いつでも~が手に入る
★beyond comparison-比べ物にならない
★jazzed up-面白くなった(わくわくしてきた)


登場人物  E: エメリー; Y: ユウコ; M: マサ


M: ええっと、昔の外国の友達が2人、ぼくたちを訪ねて来週来るんだ。ぼくの家族は彼らに奇想天外な食事を経験してもらおうと考えているんだけど、みんなからアドバイスをもらえないかな。
E: そうね、それはユウコの強みよね。
Y: 一番最初に出る料理には、その人達の好みを知っておくべきね。
M: 30歳くらいの女性2人だよ。男性の胃袋を満たすのは問題なく簡単だと思うんだけど、女性のことは一つもわからないんだ。妻はいくらか考えがあるみたいだけど、彼女も仕事に追われているから手伝いたいんだ。
E: あら、あなたはよく気が利くのね、マサ。
Y: 女性は食べ物に結構うるさいわよね。私たちはちょこっと会話をしながら食事を楽しみたいのよ。雰囲気も重要よ。とてもリラックスできる居心地のよい場所が私たちの食欲をそそるのよね。
E: それに、彼女たちに日本食文化に触れてもらうのはすばらしい考えよね。
Y: 伝統的な食べ物を食べさせてあげて。たくさんのレストランと場所を知っているから選べるわよ。

M: うわ、すごいね!
E: 伝統的な食事をしたあとは少し極端な物もいいんじゃない。彼女たちもたまには冒険もしたいと思うのよね。エキゾチックなものとか、地元の日本食も挑戦してみたら。インターネットですぐに調べられるからね。彼女たちの経験は比べ物にならないものになると思うわ。
Y: いい考えね!


Y: どうしてそんな顔をしているの? 私たちの意見は十分じゃないとか言うんじゃないでしょうね。
M: そうじゃないよ。んん。実は食べ物となるとぼく自身があまり冒険をするタイプじゃないんだよね。
E: あら、そうなの!じゃあ、挑戦するのにあと1週間あるわよ。
Y: そしていっしょにエキゾチックな食事をしに行っても構わないわ!


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Bowl Like A Pro


Bowling is fun but it is more enjoyable with good friends.

Last July 11 (Sunday), Dela Cruz English club hosted its annual bowling tournament. Friends gathered in Omiya for two sets of bowling and lunch. It was a 3-hour fun-filled activity that everyone enjoyed.

Check out our pictures! See how fun it was.
Make sure you join us for our next activity.
Only at Dela Cruz English Club.

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Groovy Flowers
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A scrapbook design by Smilebox


Paul the Octopus


After the FIFA World Cup craze, Spain's team will not be the only one who will be remembered. Maybe the one most people would remember is Paul the Octopus for his 100% accuracy.
nicole paul
He will go down in history as the only one who got it right in this surprise-filled World Cup.
He correctly predicted Germany team's fate, even the one, which almost landed him on a platter (if he were here in Japan, he would have been takoyaki material).

Uruguay vs. Germany

Argentina vs. Germany

Germany vs. Spain

Netherlands vs. Spain

Now, if only I can hire Paul the Octopus to answer some multiple questions in a test or maybe even predict my future...



A Close Encounter With Ichiro


I am pretty sure almost everyone knows who Ichiro is.
He has joined celebrities like Madonna, Oprah, etc.
These celebrities are well-known worldwide with just their first names.

In a recent game, a fan showed how big Ichiro is in MLB.
Watch her reaction when Ichiro tried to catch the ball close to where she was sitting.
She was so excited about what happened and most probably tweeted about the experience immediately.



自然な英会話表現がいっぱい。DCECでの会話。"Kicking the habit"


■"Kicking the habit"

Characters: F: Felicity; M: Makoto; N: Nakako

During the class discussion...

F: So tell me guys, do you have friends who are heavy smokers like the guy in the dialogue?
M: Hmm...(pauses) None that I know of. How about you, Nakako?
N: Actually, my father was a heavy smoker in his younger years. But thankfully, he has been able to kick the habit since he started a family.
F: Kudos to your fathers for quitting smoking. You know what they say, "old habits die hard."
M: I agree 100 percent, Felicity. I may not be a heavy smoker but I've been wanting to break the habit of drinking every night.
F: You don't say. (surprised) I didn't know you were having problems with alcohol.
M: No, that's not what I meant. However, drinking seems to be an effective stress reliever for me. And...
(Nakako interrupts)
N: And I guess, work can be really stressful these days.
F: I understand where you're coming from. So, how do you plan to cut down on alcohol?
N: Good question. (awaiting Makoto's response)
M: Let me see... For starters, I need to find a diversion.
N: Good idea!
F: What do you have in mind?
M: That's a tough question. (seems clueless) Any suggestions?

Makoto notices Nakako grinning from ear to ear.

M: C'mon, spill it out Nakako.
N: (with some hesitation) Hmm... How about looking for Ms. Right?
M: Whaaaat?!
F: Not a bad idea. Yeah, I remember last week you told us that mostof your friends are getting hitched this year.
Why not join the bandwagon?
M: I'm not sure about tying the knot. I need to think twice before taking the plunge. But I guess, dating may not be a bad idea after all.
N: How about joining us tomorrow for a night out with friends?
M: It's a date.


★heavy smoker-ヘビースモーカー、大の愛煙家
★kick the habit-悪い癖(タバコなど)をやめる
★kudos to ~-~に対する称賛
★"old habits die hard"-身に付いてしまった癖はなかなか直らない
★break the habit-癖を直す
★you don't say-まさか、ほんとに?(驚きを表す表現)
★cut down on ~-~を減らす
★spill it out-(言葉を)吐き出す、心にあることを言ってしまう
★Ms. Right-理想の女性
★get hitched-結婚する
★tying the knot-婚姻関係を結ぶ
★take the plunge-思い切って行動に移す
★it's a date-それはデートです


登場人物:  F: フェリシティー;  M: マコト;  N: ナカコ


F: ところでみんな、この対話に出てくる人みたいなヘビースモーカーの友達はいる?
M: んんん...(少し止まる) 知っている限りではいないな。きみはどう、ナカコ?
N: 実は,私の父が若いころヘビースモーカーだったの。でも有難いことに子供ができてからやめたわ。
F: タバコをやめたあなたのお父さんを称賛するわ。昔から「身に付いてしまった癖はなかなか直らない」って言うでしょ。
M: 100%同感だよ、フェリシティー。ぼくはヘビースモーカーではないかもしれないけれど、毎晩飲む癖をずっと直したいと思っていたんだ。
F: まさか。(驚いている) あなたがアルコールの問題を抱えているとは知らなかったわ。
M: 違うよ、そういう意味じゃないよ。でも、アルコールはぼくにとって効果的なストレス解消法みたいなんだ。それに...
N: それにたぶん、近頃の仕事はかなりストレスになるんでしょうね。
F: あなたがどういう立場かわかっているわ。それで、どうやってアルコールの減らすつもりなの?
N: いい質問ですね。(マコトの答えを待つ)
M: そうだな... まず最初に、娯楽を探さないといけないんだ。
N: いい考えね!
F: どんなことを考えているの?
M: それは難しい質問だな。(何も考えがない様子)何か提案はある?


M: いいよ、言ってよナカコ。
N: (少しためらいながら) んんん...理想の女性を探すのはどう?
M: 何だって?!
F: 悪くないわね。うん、今年はあなたのほとんどの友達が結婚するって先週あなたが言っていたの覚えているわ。参加しちゃえば?
M: 婚姻関係を結ぶのはどうかな。行動に移す前に慎重に考えないと。
N: 明日、私たちの友達と遊びにいくってのはどう?
M: それってデートだね。

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自然な英会話表現がいっぱい。DCECの日々の会話からあなたの表現を増やしてください。"The Green Planet"


"The Green Planet"

S: Shima T: Tre

A few minutes before class, Tre is browsing some pictures...

S: (Sneaking at the back of Tre) Are you reminiscing about a golden moment?
T (a bit surprised) Ah! Not really. I’m just selecting... (holding one of the pictures) my learner wants to have a bird's eye view about this place.
S: Hmmm... can I have a sneak peek?
T: Why not? (handing over the photographs)
S: (Amazed...) Wow! Nice pictures of lush green forest! Even the forest ground is almost entirely covered with verdant vegetation.
T: Grasses, ferns, lichens, algae and mosses are everywhere... as if you poured Japanese green tea in the whole place. As I look at it... it’s a very rare sight that you would think that it is non-existent in any parts of the Earth.
S: (nodding) Do you feel that you discover the so-called green planet?
T: Yes, I feel like being dubbed as ‘Tre the Explorer’ (laughing to his heart’s content). This place I’m referring to is no other than the forest of Yakushima.
E: Really? You mean Yakushima Island, the UNESCO World Heritage Site?
T: Exactly!
S: I envy you... it is renowned for ancient specimens of the Japanese cedar and unique remnants of a warm-temperate ancient forest.
T: Yeah... yeah...look at this photograph, the tree in the background is more than 3000 years old!
S: ...and you are dwarfed by the towering height of the tree.
I can’t imagine the buttress and the trunk are so humongous.
T: I can’t agree more... all in phenomenal measurements!
S: Have you seen some animals in the forest?
T: (Jokingly answered) Me! hehehe (mimicking a pose of a gorilla and scratching his head)
S: Ok! Tre, be serious. I know that all humans belong to the animal kingdom...is that they are wild animals...
T: Keep your cool! I saw three wild deer... two adults in the heart of the forest and a fawn lingering on the side of the crystal clear stream. And a troop of monkeys along the highway!
S: That’s a good close encounter... like in the Discovery Channel’s survival series ‘Man vs Wild' .
T: Not really, I did not get a few meters closer to them. Except for the monkeys, the deer were too reticent... they just ran away if you got so close to them.
S: So your charm was futile?
T: Well, it takes time to tame a wild animal.
S: Right... right... by the way, did you go there for leisure?
T: Nah... a part of my research when I was a student.
S: Did you find anything interesting aside from the scenic spots of the island?
T: Yup but I don’t have time to elaborate now. My learner is now waiting for me...
S: Break a leg!


★sneaking 陰でコソコソ動く
★reminiscing ~の思い出にふける
★golden moment 輝かしい日々
★bird’s eye view 鳥瞰図
★sneak peek こっそりのぞく
★lush 豊かな
★verdant 緑に覆われた
★vegetation  植物、草木
★lichens 地衣類
★algae 藻類
★mosses コケ
★non-existent 存在しない
★dubbed  と呼ばれる
★heart’s content 心の内(容)
★heritage 遺産
★renowned  名高い、知られている
★ancient 古代の
★specimens  標本
★remnants 古蹟、古跡
★humongous  どでかい
★phenomenal measurements 見かけの寸法
★mimicking  模倣、真似ながら
★the animal kingdom 動物界(王国)
★keep your cool 落ち着いて、頭を冷やして
★fawn 子鹿
★troop 群れ、一群
★encounter 出会う、鉢合わせする
★reticent おとなしい、寡黙な
★futile 無益な, 無駄な
★tame 手懐ける、飼いならされた
★scenic 風光明媚な、景色のよい
★elaborate 詳しく説明する、手の込んだ
★break a leg 頑張って


S: シマ T: トレ


S: (後ろから忍び寄って)懐かしい日々の思い出にふけっているの?
T:(ちょっと驚いて)あっ、別に。 今、丁度、整理してるところなんだ...
S: うーん...ちょっと見てもいい?
T: 勿論!(何枚かの写真を手渡しながら)
S: (すご~い...)うわー!緑豊かな森林の素晴らしい写真!
T: 草、シダ、地衣、藻やコケがあふれている...あたかも、全体に日本茶を注いだかのように。僕が見るところ...
S: (うなずきながら)君は、いわゆる緑の惑星を発見するような感じかな?
T: そう、僕は ”トレ探検家”と呼ばれているような感じだね。
E: 本当? それって、ユネスコの世界遺産の屋久島なの?
T: その通り!
S: 君がうらやましい...そこは日本杉の古代標本と暖温帯のユニークな原生林が残っていることで知られているし。
T: うん...ええ...この写真を見て。背景の木は樹齢3000年以上だよ!
S: ..そこでは、高くそびえたつ木で君は小人になってしまうね。
T: そうだね。...すべてが巨大だからね。
S: 森の中で動物は見た?
T: (冗談ぽく答えて)僕だよ。ふふふ(ゴリラのポーズをして頭をかきむしりながら)
S: オーケー、トレ、真面目に。人類は動物界に属しているし...野生動物だと....
T: 冷静になって! 僕は3頭の野生の鹿を見たけど...森の中心部で2頭の親鹿と清流のそばで佇む1頭の子鹿を。また、高速道路に沿って猿の群れを!
S: それは素晴らしい接近・遭遇だ...ディスカバリーチャンネルのサバイバル・シリーズの’男 対 野生動物'のようにね。
T: 実際は違うんだ、僕は彼らに数メートルも接近してなかったんだ。
S: 君の魅力は役に立たなかったかな?
T: まあ、野生動物を飼いならすには時間がかかるから。
S: そうそう、その通り、ところで、君はレジャーでそこに行ったの?
T: いや...僕が学生だったころに研究の一環として行ったわけ。
S: 島の景勝地はさておき、君は何か面白い物を発見した?
T: うん、でも詳しく説明する時間がないのだ。 生徒が、僕を待っているから...
S: 頑張って!

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Forbes: 25 Ideas To Change The World


When faced with a frustrating situation in your daily life, haven't you ever wished for some change?
Forbes Asia released a special report on how we can change the world.
Below is an excerpt of the published "25 Ideas To Change The World."
Which one can you do?

Technology In Financial Matters
According to Ravi Navrain, technology plays an important part in the money market.
One perfect example is internet banking.
Gone are the days when you have to line up and wait for several minutes just to transfer money from one account to another.
You can easily do this in the comforts of your home and with just a click of a button.

nicole online banking

Online Language Revolution
Globalization is the trend for many companies now.
Employees are encouraged to study the language spoken by their target market.
One way to do this is to take lessons via the Internet.
Learning a language can now be easily done with the various resources we can find online.

nicole iTALK

Pollution is a Crime
Environmental problems have been popping from different parts of the world.
We all should do our part to make this world a better place for the future generations.
My little contribution is the use of an eco bag.

nicole ecobag

Slow Down
Ever heard of the proverb, "Stop and smell the roses"?
The key word is to "stop." Stop to recharge, replenish and rejuvenate. We should learn how to de-stress and become more energized.

nicole roses

For the complete list of Forbes' special report, click this


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Reading Practice - What is it about?


It is time to practice our reading comprehension skills with this practice set again.
Try to read various text types and answer the questions that follow.
Remember that this is a timed practice set.
