
A lesson learned the hard way


E: Euneece M: Miko H: Hiro T:Taki

In a company lesson, during the first meeting in 2011...

E: Is that really you, Miko? How have you been? You
haven't shown up for ages.
M: Hi, Euneece! Glad to know you still remember me.
E: Of course! (teasing) It's hard to forget diligent
M: Yep, that's me! (grinning)
E: Seriously, we missed your jolly presence.
M: (apologized for his long absence) I had been up to
my ears in work and year-end routine tasks...
H: Like attending endless drinking parties. (chuckling)
M: Right.
E: OK. Apologies accepted.
M: But I'm less busy now so... (notices Taki tiptoeing
as he enters the room) You're back to work. How's your
T: (making a thumbs-up sign without uttering a word)
E: (looking perplexed) What's wrong with you? Why are
you in mute mode?
H: (playing the spokesperson) Actually, he slipped and
literally fell flat on his face.
E: Ouch!
M: As a result, he got a fractured jaw which required
about three weeks to recover.
E: I'm so sorry for you. Are you still in pain?
T: (making a gesture with his right thumb and pointing
finger denoting "a little")
E: I could only imagine. I pity you.
H: Do you know why he slipped?
M: (tapping the table with his palm as if answering a
question in a quiz show) He didn't see a banana peeling
on the street, stepped on it, then bang!
H: Nope! Sorry, wrong answer. Euneece?
E: My guess is that (looking at Taki) a drop-dead beauty
  passed in front of you, you couldn't take your eyes
off her... (making a peace sign, and smiling)
T: I wished. (spoken in a hushed voice)
H: Ha! (Without further ado) He was so engrossed in his
  smartphone that he didn't notice he was already
  walking towards the edge of the curb.
M: And the next thing he knew, he was already on a
  hospital bed.
E: Gees!
H: So the moral of the story is...
T: ...to always watch where you're going?
H: That, and to refrain from texting while walking.
E: Well, that's a lesson learned the hard and painful


★show up‐顔を見せる、姿を現す
★up to your ears‐[耳まで]どっぷり浸かる、没頭する
★routine tasks‐日々の業務、ありきたりの仕事
★fall flat on one's face-顔からまっすぐ落ちる
★fractured jaw-顎骨骨折
★in a hushed voice-静かな声で、声を潜めて
★without further ado-それほど苦労せず
★engrossed in ~-~に夢中になる


登場人物: E: ユニース M: ミコ H: ヒロ T:タキ


E: あなた本当にミコなの?元気にしてた?ずいぶん長い間顔を
M: やー、ユニース!まだ僕のこと覚えていてくれて嬉しいな。
E: もちろんよ!(からかう) 勤勉な生徒を忘れるのは難しいわ。
M: そう、それ僕のことだね!(ニコニコしている)
E: 素直に、私たちは陽気なあなたの存在が恋しかったわ。
M: (長期の休みを謝る) 仕事と年末の通常業務にずっと追われ
H: 終わりのない飲み会とかでしょ。(クスクス笑う)
M: その通り。
E: わかったわ。許してあげます。
M: でも今はそんなに忙しくないから…(タキが静かにつま先で
T: (何も言わず、親指を上げオッケーサインを出した)
E: (当惑した表情) どうかしたの?どうして無言状態なの?
H: (代弁者になる) 実は、彼は滑って転んで、まさに顔を直撃
E: 痛そう!
M: それが原因で顎骨を骨折して、治るのに3週間くらいかかっ
E: 気の毒に。まだ痛むの?
T: (右の親指と人差し指を使って「少し」とジェスチャーする)
E: お察しするわ。本当に気の毒ね。
H: どうして彼が滑ったか知ってる?
M: (まるでクイズショーに参加しているかのように、手のひらで
  机をポンとたたく) 道に落ちていたバナナの皮に気づかず、
H: ちがう!ごめん、不正解! ユニースは?
E: 私が思うには (タキを見る) 目を奪われるほど美しい美女が目
T: そうだったらよかった。(声を潜めて言う)
H: んとね!(それ以上ねばることなく) スマートフォンに夢中にな
M: で、目覚めたときには病院のベッドの上だったんだね。
E: あらら!
H: じゃあこのストーリーの教訓は…
T: …行く先を必ず見ていること?
H: それと、歩きながらメールを打つのはやめることだね。
E: でも、大変で痛い方法で学んだ教訓ね。


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