

■"Donate Your Brain to Science"



Characters: Mason: M, Umi: U

Mason walks into the office after a busy day in Tokyo.
He looks tired and disheveled.

U: Hey Mason. How was Tokyo?
M: It was packed! There were so many people at Ueno and Akihabara
  that I barely got any work done. 
U: Really? No wonder you look so flustered.
   Was it really that bad?
M: Ugh, it was terrible! I think the entire population of Japan
   was out shopping today. It nearly took me an hour just to get        
   across the street.
U: Now surely you're exaggerating. It can't have been that bad.
M: I'm only exaggerating a little bit, that's the weird thing.
U: It's not that weird. A lot of people have today off so it
   makes sense that they'd be out shopping.
M: I guess. All I'm saying is that Tokyo is probably the worst
   place to be during a zombie outbreak.
U: Oh, come on! That's ridiculous!
M: You won't think it's so ridiculous when you're face-to-face
   with a horde of the undead but can't run away because you're
   stuck behind a blockade of people who are just milling about
   trying to decide whether or not they need to add yet another
   tie bar to their already bloated collection of useless
   wardrobe accessories.
U: (gives Mason a blank stare) You should really consider
   donating your brain to science.


★disheveled -(服装・髪などが)乱れた、だらしない
★packed - 混んだ、人でいっぱいの
★barely - ほとんど~ない、~するのがやっと、どうにかこうにか
★flustered - オロオロした、狼狽した、落ち着きを失った
★population - 人口、住民数
★surely - 確かに、確実に、必ず、きっと
★exaggerating - 大げさな、オーバーな
★can't have been - ~であったはずがない
★zombie - ゾンビ、死んだ(魂の抜けた)人間
★outbreak - 突発、発生、勃発
★ridiculous - ばかげた、おかしな、滑稽な
★face-to-face - 対面の、直面した、直接顔を合わせての
★horde -(動物・騒々しい人々などの)大群、多数
★undead - アンデッド。超常的な力で活動する死者
★blockade -(進行などの)障害(物)(交通などの)妨害
★mill about - 動き回る、あたりをうろつく
★bloated - 膨れた、膨れ上がった、肥大化した、むくんだ
★donate - 提供する、寄付する

●Comprehension Quetions:

Who did Mason think was out shopping?
1. Umi.
2. Zombies.
3. The entire population of Japan.

What does Umi think about being in Tokyo during the zombie outbreak?
1. It's tiring.
2. It's terrible.
3. It's ridiculous.

What did Umi suggest Mason do?
1. Mason should go back to Tokyo later.
2. Mason should consider donating his brain to science.
3. Mason should stop being ridiculous.


登場人物   M: メイソン  U: ウミ


U: あら、メイソン。東京はどうだった?
M: 人でいっぱいだったよ!
U: 本当?道理で落ち着きを失った様子なのね。
M: そりゃもう!日本の全人口が今日ショッピングに来たんじゃないか
U: 大げさね。そこまでひどくはないでしょ。
M: ちょっとだけオーバーなだけだよ。それがおかしなところなんだ。
U: そんなおかしくなんかないわよ。今日は大勢の人達が休みだから
M: 多分ね。何を言いたいかというと、東京はゾンビが大発生したら
U: 何それ!馬鹿げた話ね!
M: アンデッドの群れに直面したけれど、すでに膨れ上がった役に立た