■"Never Give Up!"
Characters: H- Hanna, R- Ryuu
After reading the dialogue, Hanna and Ryuu started discussing.
H: Why did they have to stand?
R: Well, there weren't any seats left.
H: You're absolutely right! They didn't have any choice.
How about you? How often do you take the train?
R: Maybe twice or three times a week.
H: That's great! That means you don't have to stand inside
a crowded train.
R: Indeed.
H: Now, another example. Let's say we are in a restaurant.
You asked the waitress to bring a bottle of beer.
She said, "There aren't any bottles of beer left."
Then, I will say, "I guess we'll just have to order iced tea."
R: Ah, beer is not available anymore. I see.
H: Can you give me another example?
(referring to 'There aren't any
We'll just have to
R: The waitress said, "There aren't any bottles of beer left."
I will say, "We'll just have to go to another restaurant."
H: Ha! Ha! Looks like you don't want to replace beer.
R: Of course! I'll never give up! (grinning)
★absolutely - 完全に、100%?だ、全く
★twice - 2回、2度
★thrice - 3回、3度
★crowded - 混雑した、いっぱいの、込み合った、満員の
★indeed - 本当に、確かに、いかにも
★waitress -(レストランなどの)ウェイトレス、女性の接客係
1) How often does Ryuu take the train?
a. Two or three times a month
b. Once a month
c. Once a week
2) What did Hanna order instead of a bottle of beer?
a. a glass of iced tea
b. a glass of orange juice
c. a glass of water
登場人物: H- ハンナ R- リュウ
H: どうして彼らは立っていなければならなかったの?
R: ええと、空いている席がなかったから。
H: 全くその通り!そうするしかなかったのよね。
R: 週に2、3回ってところかな。
H: よかったじゃない!それなら満員電車の中で立っていること
R: 確かに。
H: じゃあ、別の例ね。私達がレストランに居るとしましょう。
R: ビールはないのか。なんだあ。
H: 他の例を挙げてくれるかしら?
(「There aren't any
R: ウェイトレスが、「ビールを切らしてしまっています。」と
H: はは!ビールの代わりじゃ嫌なようね。
R: もちろん!僕は決して諦めないよ!(二カッと笑い)