■"Blessing in Disguise"
Characters: H- Hanna, R- Ryuu
Ryuu is showing Hanna some pictures taken in Okinawa last month.
H: Wow! (amazed) Great shots!
This one looks like it's from the Internet.
R: No, it's not. I took the picture.
(said it in a matter-of-fact way) You can see that there are
a lot of tourists taking pictures.
(pointing at the tourists in the picture)
H: I mean, it looks really nice.
It's like a professional photographer took the picture.
R: Thank you. We really enjoyed our trip.
My kids also took too much pictures. (smiling)
H: I'm glad you had fun.
Were you able to follow your original plan?
R: Almost. We weren't able to eat grilled eel because
it's very expensive!
H: Really? At least, you were able to try something else
because of that.
R: You're right. Since grilled eel is very expensive,
we ordered a lot of pork strips.
It's a blessing in disguise!
However, my son had some problems.
H: What happened? (surprised)
R: He had a stomachache after eating too much pork strips!
(scratching his head)
H: Oh no! Not a blessing in disguise, then.
★tourists - 観光旅行者(客)、ツーリスト
★professional - プロの、専門の
★grilled - グリルした、網焼きの、焼き網で焼いた
★blessing in disguise - 不幸に見えても結局は幸福となるもの、
1) Where did Ryuu and his family go?
a. Hokkaido
b. Okinawa
c. Saitama
2) Why didn't they eat grilled eel?
a. Because it was not available.
b. Because it was very expensive.
c. They forgot to buy grilled eel.
3) What did they eat instead of grilled eel?
a. They ate pork strips.
b. They ate salad.
c. They ate spaghetti.
登場人物: H - ハンナ R - リュウ
H: わあ!(驚き)素敵な写真!
R: 違うよ、僕が撮ったんだ。(淡々とした口調で言う)
H: 私が言いたいのは、本当に素敵な写真だってことよ。
R: ありがとう。旅行、本当に楽しかったよ。
H: 満喫したようでよかったわ。
R: ほとんどは。鰻の蒲焼は食べられなかったけどね、高すぎて!
H: そうなの?少なくとも、代わりに他のものを食べることが
R: ああ。鰻の蒲焼が高くつくから、薄切り豚肉をたくさん
H: どうしたの?(驚いて)
R: 豚肉を食べすぎてお腹を壊しちゃったんだ。(頭を掻き)
H: あらやだ!それじゃあ不幸中の幸いじゃないじゃない。