
"A Strong Work Ethic" (今週のダイアログ)


Characters: M: Mason, F: Felicity, S: Shima

M: Phew! Is it warm in here to you?
F: No, it feels fine to me.
M: Well, I'm burning up.
F: (looking closely at Mason) You don't look so good.
M: I don't feel so good, either. (coughs) I was sick all weekend.
   I guess I still am.
F: (backing away from Mason) And you still came to the office?
   I have to say, Mason, I admire your work ethic, but just stay
   far away from me.
M: Geez, okay! (coughs) I never knew you were such a germaphobe!
F: I'm not. I'm just way too busy to get sick now.
   I do wish I could make all this paperwork disappear and go
   home though.
M: Yeah, me too. I'm just thankful this is an easy work day for me.

(Shima enters the office, smiling brightly)

S: Good news! We caught the eye of a large company in Chiba!
   I need a volunteer to deliver a sample lesson right away!
F: (looking at her stack of paperwork and at Mason)
   Um... (coughing loudly) Better send Mason.
   I'm way too sick to go anywhere.
S: You poor thing! I'm impressed you came to the office,
   but I want you to head home right away.
   Mason can handle the sample lesson and he can finish your
   paperwork on the way.
M: What? Hey! (goes into a coughing fit)
S: Oh stop faking and get back to work!
   You know, you could learn a lot from Felicity's work ethic.


★Phew! - ちぇ!、ふう、はあー
★burning up - 熱でカッカしている
★work ethic - 労働倫理、職業道徳
★germaphobe - 潔癖性(ばい菌嫌い)の人
★disappear - 存在しなくなる、なくなる、消滅する
★to catch (someone's) eye -(思いがけない物などが)(人)の目に
★volunteer - 志願者、ボランティア
★poor thing - かわいそうに、かわいそうなこと、かわいそうな人
★impressed - 感動して、感心して
★head (somewhere) -(ある方向に)進む、行く
★handle - (仕事などを)担当する、運営する
★coughing fit - 咳の発作、咳きこみ
★faking - ふりをする、見せ掛ける

●Comprehension Questions:

How is Mason feeling?
1. He is great.
2. He is tired.
3. He is sick.

What is Mason thankful for?
1. That he has an easy work day.
2. That they caught the eye of a large company in Chiba.
3. That he can go home early.

What is Shima's good news?
1. Mason can go home early.
2. He's impressed that Felicity came to the office.
3. They caught the eye of a large company in Chiba.


登場人物: M: メイソン F: フェリシティー S: 島

M: ふー!ここ暑いんじゃない?
F: いいえ、ちょうどいいわよ。
M: 僕はカッカしてるよ。
F: (メイソンの顔をのぞき込んで)具合が悪そうね。
M: 気分もあんまりよくないよ。(咳をする)
F: (メイソンから後ずさりし)それでもオフィスに来たの?
M: 何それ、わかったよ!(咳をする)
F: 違うわよ。今は忙しすぎて病気になる暇なんてないの。
M: ああ、僕もそう思う。今日はきつくない仕事日で感謝だよ。


S: いいニュースだよ!千葉の大企業のお目に留まったよ!
F: (書類業務の山とメイソンを見て)
S: ああ、それは気の毒に!出勤してくれたなんて感心するけど、
M: 何だって?ちょっと!(咳の発作を起こす)
S: ほら、下手な芝居は止めて仕事に戻った!