
今週のメルマガダイアログ ”Last Resort”

”It's on me."


haracters: H- Hanna, N- Naomi

After reading the dialogue...

Hanna: Thank you very much for reading, Naomi. 
       (smiling) Did you understand the dialogue?
Naomi: I think so. (grinning)
H: So what are they planning to do on Saturday?
N: They are planning to go to the movie theater.
  (sounded very relaxed)
H: That's right! When was the last time you went to 
  a movie theater?
N: Hmmm. (thinking) Last week, I invited my sister to watch 
   a movie together. 
H: Sounds great! Tell me something about the movie. 
   (looking too excited)
N: Well, we didn't watch the movie. (disappointed)
H: Really? Why?
N: She said she needed to go to the hospital. Too bad, 
   I wasn't able to use my last resort. 
H: What do you mean? (puzzled)
N: My last resort was to say,"It's on me." (grinning)
H: Ha! Ha! I guess those are the magic words.


★last resort -最後の手段、伝家の宝刀、命の綱、決めゼリフ
★invite - 誘う、(…へ)招待する、招く、(丁重に)求める、請う
★disappointed - 失望した、がっかりした、当てがはずれた
★too bad - 馬鹿らしい、仕方がない、いけない
★puzzled - 当惑した、困惑した、戸惑った
★It's on me.- 私の奢りだよ。
★magic words - 呪文、魔法の言葉


1. What did Naomi do last week?
a. She went shopping with her sister.
b. She invited her sister to go with her to watch a movie.
c. She watched television at home.

2. Why did her sister refuse?
a. Her sister needs to go to the hospital.
b. Her sister will go to her husband's hometown.
c. Her sister wants to just stay at home.

3. How did Naomi feel because of that?
a. She felt happy.
b. She felt disappointed.
c. It didn't have any effect on her.


登場人物: H- ハンナ N- ナオミ


H: ナオミ、読んで貰って有難う。
N: (笑顔で)そうだと思うわ。
H: それじゃ、彼らは土曜日に何をしようとしていた?
N: 映画館に行こうとしてるわ。
H: その通りね! 貴方が映画に最後に行ったのはいつ?
N: んー。(考えながら)先週、妹を映画に誘ったのよ。
H: いいわね! どんな映画だったか教えて。(わくわくしているよう)
N: それがね、映画は見なかったの。(がっかりした様子で)
H: 本当?どうしたの?
N: 妹ったら病院に行かなくっちゃというのよ。
H: え、どういうこと?(困惑した様子で)
N: 私のおごりよ、って言おうと思っての。(にやっと笑いながら)
H: あはは!そりゃ、魔法の言葉だわね。 


今週のメルマガダイアログ "Thanks to Technology!"


Characters: H- Hanna T- Toru

During free chat...

H: It's nice to see you again, Toru! 
  How was your weekend? (smiling)
T: Well, just the usual. I helped my wife clean the house 
   last Saturday. (looks really bored)
H: Did you take your sons to the shopping mall? 
   I remember you said you made a promise to take them there.
T: You're right. (said it in a very sad tone) 
   Something happened so we weren't able to go. 
   A few months ago, we had a 'short meeting' with the boys. 
   My wife and I decided to give them money if they get good 
  grades. My wife thinks we'll save a lot because 
   we'll have less energy consumption. 
   My sons usually spend a lot of time watching TV and 
   playing video games.
H: I think that's a brilliant idea! Hitting two birds with 
   one stone.
T: Actually, no. I saw their report cards last Saturday.
H: What's wrong?
T: They got good grades, but our energy consumption remained 
   the same.
H: Why?
T: Well, kids nowadays need technology to survive. 
   Instead of the TV, the computer was overused. 
   I can't remember the last time I saw them turn it off!


★usual - 通常の、普通の、いつもの
★consumption - 消費
★brilliant - 素晴らしい、見事な、とてもいい
★Hitting two birds with one stone. - 一石二鳥を得ること
★actually - 実のところ、実際は
★remain -(状態が)依然として(相変わらず)~のままである
★technology - テクノロジー
★survive - 生き残る
★overuse - ~を使い過ぎる、酷使する


1) What did Toru do last Saturday?
a. He helped his wife clean the house.
b. He went to the shopping mall.
c. He fixed his car.

2) How did Toru and his wife motivate their kids to study harder?
a. They decided to give them money.
b. They decided to take them to the amusement park.
c. They decided to take them to the shopping mall.

3) Why did their energy consumption remain the same?
a. His sons still watched TV for hours.
b. His sons still played video games for hours.
c. His sons used their computers everyday.


登場人物: H- ハンナ T- トオル


H: また会えて嬉しいわ、トオル!
T: うん、いつも通りだよ。土曜日は妻の掃除を手伝ってさ。
H: 息子さんたちをショッピングモールには連れていったの?
T: その通りだよ。(とても悲しげな口調で言い)
H: それって素晴らしいアイデアだわ!一石二鳥じゃない。
T: それがそうでもないんだ。先週の土曜日に彼らの成績表を見てね。
H: 何か問題でも?
T: いい成績だったんだけど、僕らのエネルギー消費量はそのままさ。
H: どうして?
T: 今の子供たちは生き残る為にテクノロジーが必要なんだ。


今週のメルマガダイアログ”"Never Give Up!"


■"Never Give Up!"

Characters: H- Hanna, R- Ryuu

After reading the dialogue, Hanna and Ryuu started discussing. 

H: Why did they have to stand?
R: Well, there weren't any seats left.
H: You're absolutely right! They didn't have any choice. 
  How about you? How often do you take the train?
R: Maybe twice or three times a week.
H: That's great! That means you don't have to stand inside 
   a crowded train.
R: Indeed.
H: Now, another example. Let's say we are in a restaurant. 
   You asked the waitress to bring a bottle of beer. 
   She said, "There aren't any bottles of beer left." 
   Then, I will say, "I guess we'll just have to order iced tea."
R: Ah, beer is not available anymore. I see.
H: Can you give me another example? 
   (referring to 'There aren't any left. 
   We'll just have to .')
R: The waitress said, "There aren't any bottles of beer left." 
   I will say, "We'll just have to go to another restaurant."
H: Ha! Ha! Looks like you don't want to replace beer.
R: Of course! I'll never give up! (grinning)


★absolutely - 完全に、100%?だ、全く
★twice - 2回、2度
★thrice - 3回、3度
★crowded - 混雑した、いっぱいの、込み合った、満員の
★indeed - 本当に、確かに、いかにも
★waitress -(レストランなどの)ウェイトレス、女性の接客係


1) How often does Ryuu take the train?
a. Two or three times a month
b. Once a month
c. Once a week

2) What did Hanna order instead of a bottle of beer?
a. a glass of iced tea
b. a glass of orange juice
c. a glass of water


登場人物: H- ハンナ R- リュウ


H: どうして彼らは立っていなければならなかったの?
R: ええと、空いている席がなかったから。
H: 全くその通り!そうするしかなかったのよね。
R: 週に2、3回ってところかな。
H: よかったじゃない!それなら満員電車の中で立っていること
R: 確かに。
H: じゃあ、別の例ね。私達がレストランに居るとしましょう。
R: ビールはないのか。なんだあ。
H: 他の例を挙げてくれるかしら?
  (「There aren't any left. We'll just have to 
R: ウェイトレスが、「ビールを切らしてしまっています。」と
H: はは!ビールの代わりじゃ嫌なようね。
R: もちろん!僕は決して諦めないよ!(二カッと笑い)